Proven Reasons You Should Have A Friends With Benefits

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Read MoreIn the real world, friendship, love, and sex don’t always share the same bed unless you get caught up in the friend zone. Friends with benefits is a straightforward deal that offers a good opportunity to have sex with someone you care about without commitment or emotional drama. But no matter what you call the arrangement, it can still get tricky if you don’t have a clear-cut set of rules. For the sake of fragile little hearts, it’s worth mentioning that the fun stuff can be compromised if both parties are not on the same page. Here are some reasons why it’s better to have friends with benefits:
It gives you both freedom
While we think that no-strings-attached casual sex exists only in movies, the phenomenon is real in the actual world. FWB offers to allow you to care about casual sex without emotional turmoil which is usually present in romantic love. It’s always in the best interest that you be open to compromises and be as transparent as possible. However, keeping things causal does not necessarily mean you leave your friend to make the decision for you.
One of the greatest inevitable instances in dating is two people coming together when they’re not fit for a long-term relationship. You can still flirt with others without worrying about hurting others. There is no checking in, which is undeniably one of the biggest perks. If you’re constantly concerned on the whereabouts of your friend, then your FWB is not going to last. It’s understandable you may start to feel uncomfortable in this affectionate bond. Be sure of one’s true intentions.
It fills the physical connection void
No matter how busy your schedule is, there is always some time when you crave for intimacy. Because there are no overly romantic attachments, you can always try out something new. Also, there is less worry about FWB compared to a potential life partner. You’re not looking for a wife or husband, and they aren’t either. If the thought appeals you and you’re attracted to someone, it’s time you experiment with that special friend.
You can work around busy schedules
FWB involves two consenting adults, usually with jobs. An FWB relationship allows you to work around busy schedules. If you have no time for a long-term commitment, this is the perfect solution. The general rule of thumb is to find someone who is available. He or she should not be dealing with a devastating loss of a loved one. If you want to explore your sexual fantasies, an FWB is perfect for that. Unlike other relationships where you have to navigate through landmines, FWB allows you to set your own rules. You can still have steady sex as you focus on other things that matter most in your life.
It helps to strengthen a platonic relationship
The key to building a long-lasting romantic bond is having a strong connection. While most people yearn for romantic partners to become their trusted confidants, the connection can only be fostered over time. If both of you agree to let each other know that you’re interested in romantically with each other, a certain level of maturity has to be present. With a FWB, you’re not dating to feel whole. You’re simply adding sex in your life. Remember, FWB can only be harmful if your intentions are not clearly defined.
Now that your relationship status is defined, ask yourself whether you feel cool sleeping with another person for sex benefits. Who knows, there is some potential that something may go wrong down the road. While it sucks to be vulnerable, let your fuck buddy websites know you have feelings. This relationship is no different from any other you may have. You can always share your feelings, have fun when you’re bored, go for adventures with them, or any other activity you would do with a friend.
Both of you feel secure
When you have a fuck buddy, one of the basic assumptions is that it may not be mutually exclusive. You’re simply in a booty call situation. Interestingly, this relationship allows you to set boundaries that you both adhere to. Because friends with benefits is organized, you’re not in a committed relationship. Just enjoy the proverbial ride and avoid these conversations all the time. Be honest, confident, safe, and keep everything casual.
But the truth is we all have feelings. If you’re feeling down about your body or life, this arrangement doesn’t work. The secret is to avoid being too obsessed or dwelling on questions like, is he with another girl? Why isn’t he answering my texts? Does he like me? You can still flirt with others without hurting that person’s feelings. This arrangement is best suited when you’re confident enough with your life and you aren’t dating to feel complete or whole again. Of course, you can always break the arrangement if you’re no longer compatible.
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It’s a good way to experiment
Let’s cut to the chase: sex is more appealing when you experiment with a trusted friend rather than the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. It’s a good chance to explore sex and fine-tune your weak areas. Other than that, it helps you open your sexual fantasies. This is something people tend to shy from. The rules are up to the two people creating them. You can plan how often to get together and what to do if the feelings get serious. Being in this situation can always turn tricky. It’s prudent that you be on the lookout for any red flags and know when it’s time to call it quits.
You get the best of both worlds
Although mixing friends with sex may seem dangerous, you get to experience the best of both worlds—having a partner for sex and a best friend. You don’t have to feel awkward, especially if you know the person beforehand. While other types of relationships can involve drunk fumbling and trying to figure out what the other person feels, FWB is immune to these sorts of things. If you don’t have control of your feelings, friends with benefits maybe the best way to cut the cord and end the FWB relationship.
Over the years, the relationship realm has undergone numerous changes. The success of friends with benefits is determined by how both parties handle changing emotions. It can make the friendship awkward, but there is a brighter side. In order for this to work, set clear boundaries. It’s always a terrible idea if feelings get involved or someone gets hurt. You can try FWB with an old friend or someone you just met but you have an attraction with. Both of you should feel at ease at trying new things, being open to communication, and possibly keeping your arrangement secret.

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