6 Signs She Likes You But Is Hiding It

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Read MoreDo you want to know the signs she likes you but is hiding it?
Then you will love this article because I’m going to show you what women do (and what they don’t do) when they are really into a guy but they don’t want him to know. Now you might be asking yourself the following weird but totally logical question.
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Why would she do that?
Yeah, I have to admit it. From a man’s perspective, it doesn’t make any sense that a woman who likes you tries to hide this fact. It’s totally ridiculous. But maybe she’s shy. Or maybe she doesn’t want her friends to know. And maybe, yeah, maybe she is scared that you will reject her.
You might be thinking “man, this woman is gorgeous, I would never reject her!” She doesn’t know that. Some of the most beautiful women have more insecurities than the average board game-loving nerd. That’s why you have to be patient.
Give her time to share her feelings with you. Eventually, you’ll find out.
Alternatively, you can have a look at the following signs and speed up the process…
1. She looks to the ground when you look at her
What does a woman do when she has zero interest in you?
She doesn’t even look at you. Oh no, she looks up. She rolls her eyes and looks at the sky as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. That’s what women do when they want to communicate “sorry, but you are not my type.”
What if she looks to the ground? Well, it’s not an obvious sign of interest but if she combines this sign with a smile, you can bet your ass that she wants to talk to you and that she wants more than friendship. She’s just too shy to let you know.
2. She giggles when her friends look at you
Her friends check you out. Then they look at her. And then she starts to giggle. Now you know it. You know that this girl wants to get to know you. She’s just too shy to reveal her interest. Thank God her friends are not that shy.
In fact, her friends push her towards you. But she resists. She doesn’t resist in a “please don’t make me talk to that guy” kind of way. Oh no, she resists because she wants to talk to you and she’s too embarrassed to admit that she likes you.
Why don’t you make the first move?
3. She takes back her compliment
This is a very funny sign.
Sometimes even the shiest girl can’t control her emotions. And boom, then it happens. She gives you a compliment. Maybe she let’s you know that your hairstyle looks good. Or she let’s you know how much she likes you jacket.
Well, remember that she tries to hide her interest. The moment she gives you the compliment, she realizes what she has done. That’s when her alarm bells ring with “why did I just say this?”
She might add a soft “but it doesn’t look that amazing” to her compliment to let you know that she’s not really interested in you. Don’t believe the second part. She is interested. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have given you the compliment in the first place.
And let’s face it. If she wasn’t interested, she wouldn’t act so weird.
4. She doesn’t say anything when you talk to other women
Yes, there’s a but and it’s a very big BUT. You might be talking to the cute waitress while your “friend” is sitting next to you. This so-called “friend” is the girl who has a crush on you but she tries to hide it. Now let’s assume you are also into her.
What do you think happens when you talk to, or God forbid, flirt with the sexy waitress?
She doesn’t say anything because she doesn’t want you to know. Know what? Well, that she feels like a volcano right before the eruption.
She wants to kill this bitch. Sorry for my strong language but these are her words, not mine. She is furious because this waitress checked you out and flirted with you. While she tries to hide the fact that she likes you, you smile.
You smile because there’s nothing cuter than looking at a woman who likes you while she desperately tries to suppress her anger and her rage. You know the truth. You know that she’s into you.
5. She just can’t tell you
This is also a very interesting sign that shows that a woman likes you, but she’s hiding it from you. Let’s say you are watching a movie with her. Suddenly, she turns her head and says “I have to…” or “I want to tell you…”
Then she stops in the middle of the sentence. You ask her what she wants to say. She replies with “never mind” or “nothing”. Then she smiles. Or maybe she doesn’t smile. Maybe she has this sad lost puppy look in her eyes because she wants to tell you that she likes you. She wants it so bad. But she’s too afraid.
Maybe she’s afraid that you will reject her. Or she doesn’t want to ruin the friendship. Whatever the reason might be…she won’t say it unless you make the first move. Come on. You already know what she wants to say.
6. She gossips about other women
This is one of the most obvious signs that a woman likes you. The act of gossiping about other women is one of the most popular female mating strategies. Women do this all the time but when they try to hide their affection, they pretend as if nothing has happened.
How does it work?
It’s simple. A woman who likes you sees a woman who she considers to be more beautiful. She knows that you are attracted to her because men are attracted to beauty. That’s why she has to find a way to make you believe that this other girl is not worth pursuing.
She might tell you that this girl looks like a slut.
That’s her cute attempt to influence you. She wants you to think bad about the other woman and choose her instead. What if you call her out on her behavior? She will pretend as if nothing happened because she tries to hide the fact that she likes you.

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