How To Make A Girl Horny (Guide)

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Read MoreSo you found a fuck buddy on and now you want to know how to make her horny.
That tells me that you are ready for a crazy fuck buddy adventure. And it also tells me that you are different than most men because most men don’t care about her arousal, her pleasure, and her sexual satisfaction.
You are different. And that’s freaking amazing. You want to make the next girl you meet so uncontrollably horny that she can’t wait until you touch her, kiss her, and undress her. You want her to reach the boiling point…the point of no return.
There are certain techniques that you can use and certain words that you can say. And I want to share these techniques and words with you because I want you to be prepared. The more prepared you are, the more fun you’ll have.
Let the fun begin…
1. Break the touch barrier
The first thing you have to do is to break the touch barrier. This is not a physical barrier. It’s invisible. You can’t see it but she can feel it. And I hope that you can feel it too.
Have you ever been on a date and you had this feeling that she’s totally into you?
That’s the perfect moment to break the touch barrier. That’s when you go from no touching to some touching. You start slowly. Maybe with a soft handshake. Or you touch her shoulder. Don’t do anything crazy. You are just getting started.
Remember what I said about the boiling point? It takes time until she reaches this point and breaking the touch barrier is the first step. Once the touch barrier is broken, you’ll find out if you can increase the intensity by observing her reaction.
2. Give her naughty nicknames
Do you think a woman gets horny when you give her the nickname farty? Probably not. But what if you call her sexy kitten? Now we’re talking. Nicknames can be very powerful because her subconscious mind assumes that she has to be close with you if you give her a nickname.
But be careful. You don’t want to waste this opportunity. Don’t just choose any random nickname. Give her a nickname that arouses her and that makes her think of something sexual. Include sexy, hot, or naughty in your nickname.
I once dated this girl who was totally into nuts. She was always eating nuts and I ended up calling her naughty nut princess. I obviously chose this nickname because you can understand this nickname in many different ways. And it worked.
3. Casually talk about sexual topics
You don’t have to ask her “hey, what’s your favorite position?” I mean, if you have a really strong sexual connection with her and she’s the opposite of shy…then you can do it. But if she’s shy, you don’t want to talk about sex straight away.
Instead, you want to talk about sexual things in the most casual way. Do it in a way that gives her the feeling that it’s completely random. You didn’t plan it. You can even pretend to be shocked about what you said.
You want an example? Alright, let’s talk about your trip to the beach. The sun was so HOT and your bathing trousers were SOAKING WET after you jumped into the ocean. You just tell her about a fun experience you had but her mind thinks about something else.
4. Touch her lower back
Why not her upper back? Because you want to make her horny. And one of the easiest ways to make a girl horny is by touching her lower back. That’s the zone that leads to her ass and by touching It, you imply that you’re thinking about moving all the way down to her jiggly cheeks.
That’s why it turns her on. That’s why she can’t stop thinking about how it would feel if you decided to slide your hand a bit lower…and then even lower. She fantasizes about it. She wants it the moment you put your hand on her lower back.
And maybe you want to tease her a bit. All you have to do is to move your hand lower and stop right before you reach her butt. It will drive her crazy…in a good way.
5. Get closer and closer
One of the easiest ways to make a girl horny is by getting closer. If she is sexually attracted to you and you are attracted to her, this usually happens automatically. She wants to come closer because she can’t resist you. And you want to come closer because, well, you know the reason.
But what if she’s shy and she’s too afraid to show her interest?
Now it’s your job to reduce the distance between you and her. If she’s shy, you shouldn’t be shy because somebody has to make the first move. By getting close to her, you give her the feeling that it’s okay for her to do the same. That’s the confirmation she needs.
6. Hold deep eye contact
I don’t just want you to look into her eyes for a second. I want you to hold eye contact…deeeeep eye contact. The deeper the better because the eyes are the window to our soul. No matter if you believe this to be true or not…she believes it.
Women love direct eye contact. Whenever she watches a movie in which a dominant man (that’s you, by the way) looks an innocent woman like her in the eyes, her panties turn into a wet and juicy lake.
Yep, that’s the power of eye contact. Of course, you don’t want to stare at her like a serial killer. Instead, you combine direct eye contact with a cheeky smile. That’s the secret weapon that makes her want to drop her panties.
7. Choose the right date venue
That’s the last and maybe the most underrated tip I want to share with you. Most men don’t even think about that. They go on one Starbucks date after another and then they complain why they don’t get laid.
I can tell you why you don’t get laid…just in case you’ve done that too many times. It’s because women’s sexual arousal is influenced by the environment. You’re a dude. You’d fuck a hot girl behind a concrete wall. I would do the same. But she’s different.
If you can provide a woman with a sensual experience, your chances to reach the finish line increase tremendously. And the easiest way to give her this sensual experience is by choosing a bar or a lounge that has a sensual, sexual, and relaxed atmosphere.
Think about that before your next date and I promise you that you will get laid.

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